
用inadditionto造句,inadditionto的例句1.Inadditiontothekilledandwounded,manyweremissed.(除了傷亡之外,還有許多人失蹤。2.Inadditionto ...,例句·Inadditiontoanalbum,Igavehimapenandapencil.除了一本照相簿外,我還給了他一支鋼筆和一支鉛筆。·Inadditiontoadiet,shepursuesvarious ...,addition例句;We'llhaveanewadditiontoourteamnextmonth.下個月我們團隊將會有新成員。;Thelatestadditiontotheproductlineisanewd...

用"in addition to"造句

用in addition to造句,in addition to的例句1. In addition to the killed and wounded , many were missed . (除了傷亡之外,還有許多人失蹤。 2. In addition to ...

in addition to在線翻譯_英語

例句 · In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil. 除了一本照相簿外,我還給了他一支鋼筆和一支鉛筆。 · In addition to a diet, she pursues various ...

addition (【名詞】增加的人或物)意思、用法及發音

addition 例句 ; We'll have a new addition to our team next month. 下個月我們團隊將會有新成員。 ; The latest addition to the product line is a new digital camera ...

IN ADDITION (TO)在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯

In addition, we offer a range of benefits for new parents. She's a fitness instructor in addition to being a full-time student. 也請參見. addition. 範例. In ...

in addition in addition to 用法與中文意思!用英文表達「此外

2019年11月21日 — in addition 中文意思是指「此外、除了」的意思,addition 本身是「加、加法」的意思,但是當addition 前面加上了in,變成in addition 這個英文片語的 ...

「in addition to」跟「in addition」用法差在哪?來搞懂!

in addition 的中文意思為「此外、再者、而且」,會用作副詞,通常會放在句首,後面會加上逗號再接一個句子,以用來補充和上一句話相關的事情。 in addition 也可以代換為 ...

用"in addition"造句

例句與造句. A standing opaque beacon may be useful in addition . 此外,也可以使用常設的實體覘標。 In addition to the killed and wounded , many were missed .

in addition to (【片語】除……之外(還) )意思、用法及發音

These days of leave are in addition to the paid leave that workers already have. 這些假是在員工已有的有薪假期之外再另外給的時數。


ADDITION翻譯:加法, 增加的人或物, 增加;添加, 擴建部分。了解更多。